Bed Bug Treatment and Termite Control

One of the first steps to bed bug treatment is identifying the infestation. Bedbugs can be identified by bites, welts, and blood stains on the bed sheets and body. These insects will often hide in the seams of the mattress or box spring and between bed frames. They can also be found in sofa cushions and furniture joints. They can also lay eggs in the seams of fabrics.
There are a variety of treatments available. Some pest management companies will apply insecticides to the infested areas, such as voids and cracks. They also may install a monitoring system in the home to identify potential infestations and notify you if further treatment is needed. This technology will allow homeowners to identify bed bug infestations early, allowing them to eliminate them before the infestation spreads.
A professional pest control service can safely remove these pests without damaging your home or belongings. A bed bug exterminator will also be able to identify where the problem areas are and can prevent the infestation from coming back. Bed bug exterminators also have the training and the right equipment to eradicate the bugs safely and effectively.
Depending on the severity of the infestation, bedbug treatments may require multiple visits. For some infestations, one treatment can clear the infestation, while others will require two to four. In some cases, treatment may require monthly or semi-monthly visits for a year or more. Regardless of the extent of the infestation, bedbug treatment can be stressful and time-consuming.
Cost-wise, bed bug treatment services can range from $300 for a small infestation to over $5,500 for a large residence. The price will depend on the number of rooms in the house and the type of treatment. A chemical-free treatment will cost approximately $300 for each room. In addition, a more severe infestation will cost between $4,000 and $6,000 for a complete home treatment.
Orkin has over 400 locations nationwide. Orkin technicians follow an integrated pest management approach and use the least amount of chemicals in the process. Customers can contact them 24 hours a day. Terminix is another service that offers 24/7 customer service. Their technicians use a holistic approach to eliminate bed bug infestations. Lastly, Orkin offers free inspections for your home. The inspection is helpful to determine areas that may be infested with fleas or cockroaches.
Another way to kill bed bugs is by heat treatment. It is a non-toxic and effective method that eliminates all stages of the insect life cycle. It works quickly and is low-cost, which is a great benefit for homeowners. Heat treatments are effective and safe and you can reuse the treated areas after the treatment.
In addition to heat treatments, you can also use bed bug interceptors to prevent bedbugs from reaching your bed. These devices are available online or at home stores and will help catch bedbugs as they try to climb the leg of your bed. These should be used for at least a year, and will be useful for monitoring post-treatment efforts.